Sunday, May 30, 2010

Paris in the Springtime

While it is spring, in Paris, it is raining. Last week I had drinks at The Grand Hotel with my producing partner, Julia Taylor Stanley to celebrate beginning the work on "The Ambassadors." Dexter joined us for champagne in the stunning lobby. It has been an amazing time in Paris. Friday night, through the courtesy of Lorna, the incredible company manager of "Les Miserable" the cameron Macintosh company, invited me to the opening press night of the show. It is the first time Les Mis has made it to Paris in its English version. Dexter tagged along, as Dexter does, and my friends Lisa Nesselson and Vanessa Jerrom, came as well. We had a great night. The show was awesome and I loved it...can you believe this NY theatre mad girl somehow missed this shoe for the past 25 years??? A good time had by all. Another week in Paris...coming up!

1 comment:

  1. Love Les Mis! Saw it on Broadway my 1st and only visit through NYC with my family at age 16. Sat in the theater with tears in my eyes even after everyone else had left, knowing that somehow, I had to do THAT.
